(Faithful readers know that I have a son in prison, in Susanville, CA. We are headed up there tomorrow and will visit on Sat...bright and early so we won't have to wait more than 2 hours to get in. His firefighter girlfriend broke up with him, so I don't know what kind of mood he'll be in)
California Deptartment of Corrections... on Visiting Inmates
Visitor Attire NOT ALLOWED
* Clothing which, in any combination of shades or types of material/fabric, resembles California State-issued inmate clothing, blue denim or chambray shirts and blue denim pants. * Clothing that resembles law enforcement or military-type clothing, including rain gear. * Hats, wigs or hairpieces (except with prior written approval from the Visiting Sergeant). * Clothing that exposes the breast/chest area, genital area, or buttocks. * Dresses, skirts, pants, and shorts exposing more than two inches above the knee, including slits when standing. * Sheer or transparent garments.* Strapless or “spaghetti” strap tops. * Clothing exposing the midriff area. * Clothing or accessories displaying obscene or offensive language or drawings.* Brassieres with metal underwires or any other detectable metal are not permitted.
* Allowable Items:
Identification card, one handkerchief, no bandannas ,Tissue pack, unopened Clear change purse $30.00 per adult and $10.00 per child, in coins and 1.00 bills, Comb or Brush, Two keys on a key ring with no attachments, 10 photographs, Indian Medicine Bag, upon inspection and approval,Two small Toys (less than 12 inches in length) solid toys, One infant Carrier, Six disposable diapers, Factory sealed baby wipes, Two transparent plastic baby bottles of pre-mixed formula/juice per baby, One transparent pacifier, Three jars of factory sealed baby food and one plastic baby spoon, One single-layer baby blanket, One transparent diaper bag One change or baby clothing One single-layer burp cloth Visitors may retain only life-sustaining, condition-stabilizing medication with the prescribing physician’s written statement of its immediate need, and only in the physician’s prescribed amount immediately required to sustain or stabilize the condition during the visit. The physician’s written statement shall include the physician’s medical license number, address, and phone number. All medication shall be in its original pharmacy container with the patients name, pharmacy, name of medication, prescribed dosage, and the physician’s name indicated on the container label. Non-prescription medicine is not permitted.
Prohibited Items* All tobacco and tobacco products.* Food. All refreshments are to be purchased from the vending machines located in the visiting room, except Camps and Ranches. * Chewing gum. * Purses.* Cameras.* Pagers. * Cell phones.* Writing materials or books, unless approved prior to entering the Visiting Room.
Search Requirements: All visitors must successfully pass through a metal detector to enter the visiting area. Any items that may set off the metal detector (e.g., hairclips, hairpins, jewelry, belts, belt buckles, suspenders, shoes etc.), should be removed before attempting to pass through the metal detector. If the visitor cannot successfully pass through the metal detector, the visitor is subject to delay, additional searches, or denial of visit. Visitors who have implants or prosthetic devices must bring a notarized statement from their physicain detailing the implant or device and its specific location in the body. Visitors with implanted or prosthetic devices, wheelchairs, or other assistive devices may contact the Visiting Sergeant for information and/or special instructions. The medical verification shall be renewed every two years. Visiting Room Procedures Each visitor and inmate is responsible for his or her own conduct while visiting. Violation of the rules and regulations may result in termination, restriction, suspension, or denial of visits. Additionally, disciplinary action may be taken against the inmate. (they don't mention that they check in visitors mouths and behind their ears...but, oh well)
An inmate and his/her visitor(s) are allowed to briefly embrace and kiss at the beginning and the end of their visits. An inmate may hold his or her minor children. Inmates may also hold minor children accompanied by and adult. Children are to remain under the direct supervision and control of the visiting parent or guardian at all times. Holding hands on top of the table in plain view is permitted., with no other physical contact. Excessive contact (kissing, massaging, stroking, and sitting with legs intertwined or sitting on laps) could result in termination of the visit. Nursing mothers shall be discreet and covered when breast-feeding their baby in the visiting area. Failure to do so may result in termination of visiting for that day. Inmates cannot receive any items, gifts, money, jewelry, or documents during a visit. However the adult visitor may ask for a pencil and notebook paper as needed. Smoking is not allowed in the visiting rooms or outside patios in the institutions at any time.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUztTog4lyg&feature=related good video on what it is like in prison.
(I best not wear an underwire bra, eh?)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Save Corti's Petition
(Before I begin this post about Corti Brothers, I want to thank John at http://www.bressler.org/ for totally helping me with my Top 25 banner. I may never, ever be in the top 15 again...but I just want to give a shout out to John for helping me. I know he must think I am a total dweeb).
This afternoon I rec'd an email from a local restaurant professional with a link to a petition to "Save Corti's". Apparently, on Sept. 3rd there will be a rally at Corti's..made up of many local chefs, their chefs, and other foodie-types, bloggers, etc. What I was wondering is, "what will this rally accomplish?" Are they hoping to change the landlords mind and let Corti stay put...at his old rent rate? Are they hoping someone will step up and offer Corti a location in East Sac at a reduced cost?
Apparently, they certainly want Corti's to stay in their present location until after Christmas...at least. That would be good indeed!
I love Corti Brothers, but didn't he sorta screw up by not having a long-term, signed lease instead of a month-to-month?? That was pretty darned risky if ya ask me....but then, I don't know anything really.
Who in the hell is this landlord who gave him only 60 days to vacate...after being in business there for almost 40 years! I hope whoever they are, they have a very thick skin, bullet proof vest, armored car, and a secret address. Corti Bros. shoppers are very loyal...don't piss em off.
Here is the link to sign the petition...I did. http://www.savecortis.wordpress.com/
This afternoon I rec'd an email from a local restaurant professional with a link to a petition to "Save Corti's". Apparently, on Sept. 3rd there will be a rally at Corti's..made up of many local chefs, their chefs, and other foodie-types, bloggers, etc. What I was wondering is, "what will this rally accomplish?" Are they hoping to change the landlords mind and let Corti stay put...at his old rent rate? Are they hoping someone will step up and offer Corti a location in East Sac at a reduced cost?
Apparently, they certainly want Corti's to stay in their present location until after Christmas...at least. That would be good indeed!
I love Corti Brothers, but didn't he sorta screw up by not having a long-term, signed lease instead of a month-to-month?? That was pretty darned risky if ya ask me....but then, I don't know anything really.
Who in the hell is this landlord who gave him only 60 days to vacate...after being in business there for almost 40 years! I hope whoever they are, they have a very thick skin, bullet proof vest, armored car, and a secret address. Corti Bros. shoppers are very loyal...don't piss em off.
Here is the link to sign the petition...I did. http://www.savecortis.wordpress.com/
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
May The Dang Force Be With Ya'll
Okay. So finally I get my "auto set", which will tell the pulmonologist what pressure my CPAP machine should be at for my sleep apnea. It has a computer chip in it, which records how I breathe for the next week. I don't know how I'll sleep with this thing on.
Wax on, wax off.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Sher's Roasted Sweet Red Pepper Pesto/Pasta Dish
I decided to try making one of Sher's recipes..as I had almost all of the ingredients needed. See this recipe at http://www.whatdidyoueat.typepad.com/ . It was the last recipe she posted, on July 18th.
Mine doesn't look as good as hers...her photography was excellent. It tasted excellent though~
I used walnuts instead of pine nuts and I used jarred roasted red bell peppers. So, in memory of Sher, we ate it last night. I thought about her with every bite....and I am hitting the gym almost daily. I am using my treadmill DAILY.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
We Call it "Porky"
We will be roasting a pig the weekend of September 20th. I bet you wanna come over. It's my in-laws birthday party that weekend...so a great reason to celebrate with a whole pig, apple in the mouth and all! My kids and grandkids will be here as well. I can hardly wait.
From Food Network:
Throwdown with Bobby Flay Episode BT0207
Cuban Roast Pork:
When Roberto Guerra moved to Miami from Cuba, he found a city passionate about all things Cuban, especially the food. He helped his father start a successful catering company and together they developed an ingenious roasting vessel called La Caja China. Roberto has invited Food Network to participate in a big outdoor Cuban BBQ, where he’ll use La Caja China to cook his renowned Cuban Roast Pork. It’s marinated in a tangy mojo, and cooked till crispy on the outside and succulent on the inside. But Roberto has no idea that an uninvited guest – Bobby Flay -- is rolling into town with his own Caja China and a challenge to a Roast Pork Throwdown! At this party, the warm flavors of Cuba are spiced with heated competition.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Vivien Lee...cool jazz
(a forwarded message from Vivien Lee, Sacramento's best "cool jazz vocalist". check out her websites below and hear her music). m
Good morning everyone,
JBs Lounge is a beautiful room with hardwood floors wonderful couches and a much expanded stage. The new owners went into the remodel with a vision of making the Red Lion the place for many events like boxing, conventions, poolside events and jazz. Their special vision for JBs was to make it a new home for quality entertainment and, specifically, for jazz.
Recently, hotel owner Rick Enos came to us about opening JBs to jazz on Thursday (while making sure that Sunday Evening Jazz didn't suffer any consequences as a result of more jazz at the hotel). The program we came up with focuses on vocalists since there are a lot of them in Sacramento; and very few get a chance to be heard on Sunday or to develop professionally due to a limited number of venues here. The intended audience was to be hotel quests, Sunday Evening Jazz supporters who want more vocal jazz and the individual vocalist's following. Our intention is to try to expand JBs Lounge jazz with something different and continue our tradition of benefiting the jazz community at the same time.
Here's some of the different things we are trying:
· Each week promising jazz vocalists will showcase one set of music and be asked to carry the entire show for an hour. Usually, they will be advanced university students or semi-professionals wanting experience. I will be performing the rest of the time for the enjoyment of hotel quests and anyone else who wants to hang out.
· The show is from 7pm to 11pm and is free. The hotel is paying the musicians and is looking for business in the form of cocktails and food.
· The show is patterned more like a cabaret than a Yoshi's style jazz concert.
· The band is the same each week so that vocalists have a well rehearsed band available rather than having to find their own in order to avail themselves of the opportunity.
Since we started this 3 weeks ago, we have had a small number of hotel guests, some supporters of our guest vocalist and a couple of our Sunday Evening Jazz supporters. We have another month to get the ball rolling before the hotel decides on Thursdays as a permanent jazz night. Any support our Sunday crowd can give us in the short term will help to create the atmosphere that will draw others and convince the hotel. We're looking for slightly larger crowds that enjoy the jazz music. -- Vivian Lee http://www.myspace.com/vivianleejazz
Good morning everyone,
JBs Lounge is a beautiful room with hardwood floors wonderful couches and a much expanded stage. The new owners went into the remodel with a vision of making the Red Lion the place for many events like boxing, conventions, poolside events and jazz. Their special vision for JBs was to make it a new home for quality entertainment and, specifically, for jazz.
Recently, hotel owner Rick Enos came to us about opening JBs to jazz on Thursday (while making sure that Sunday Evening Jazz didn't suffer any consequences as a result of more jazz at the hotel). The program we came up with focuses on vocalists since there are a lot of them in Sacramento; and very few get a chance to be heard on Sunday or to develop professionally due to a limited number of venues here. The intended audience was to be hotel quests, Sunday Evening Jazz supporters who want more vocal jazz and the individual vocalist's following. Our intention is to try to expand JBs Lounge jazz with something different and continue our tradition of benefiting the jazz community at the same time.
Here's some of the different things we are trying:
· Each week promising jazz vocalists will showcase one set of music and be asked to carry the entire show for an hour. Usually, they will be advanced university students or semi-professionals wanting experience. I will be performing the rest of the time for the enjoyment of hotel quests and anyone else who wants to hang out.
· The show is from 7pm to 11pm and is free. The hotel is paying the musicians and is looking for business in the form of cocktails and food.
· The show is patterned more like a cabaret than a Yoshi's style jazz concert.
· The band is the same each week so that vocalists have a well rehearsed band available rather than having to find their own in order to avail themselves of the opportunity.
Since we started this 3 weeks ago, we have had a small number of hotel guests, some supporters of our guest vocalist and a couple of our Sunday Evening Jazz supporters. We have another month to get the ball rolling before the hotel decides on Thursdays as a permanent jazz night. Any support our Sunday crowd can give us in the short term will help to create the atmosphere that will draw others and convince the hotel. We're looking for slightly larger crowds that enjoy the jazz music. -- Vivian Lee http://www.myspace.com/vivianleejazz
Turn out the lights, the canning's over....
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Turkey Continued..and hitting the gym
Well, I got back to the gym beginning yesterday and went again today. I must thank my friend Lori for "encouraging" me. It helps lots to have someone else doing the same thing. After learning of Sher's death, I knew I had to stop talkin and start walkin. It's pathetic that it took something so tragic to motivate me...but it did. With the change in my eating habits, this should help pull me into shape..in several ways.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Turkey Trek
and soup
to be continued.........................................
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sherry Cermack RIP
I stopped by my favorite food blog today..expecting yet another wonderful food pic and recipe from Sher. It's been a few weeks since I've checked in. I was shocked and very sad to see that Sher died of a sudden heart attack on July 20, 2008. Her last post was dated July 18, 2008. I was in Portland at the time.
She would come by my place from time-to-time and I visited her, usually once a week. She loved cats and cared for abandoned baby squirrels. Just this year, she lost her beloved Upsie to diabetes.
I sit here with tears streaming down my face for the loss of a fellow blogger I've never met, but always admired. I have her blog linked up but here it is again http://www.whatdidyoueat.typepad.com/
Sherry CermakDecember 2, 1948 to July 20, 2008
Sherry was born in Pascagoula, Mississippi, grew up in Illinois, and made Davis, California her home for the past 28 years. She died of a sudden heart attack on July 20, 2008.Sherry graduated with High Honors from UC Davis in 1985, and from UCD's School of Law in 1988. After a brief career as an Attorney, Sherry found her true calling as a licensed wildlife rehabilitator and blogger. Her blog "What Did You Eat?" is a popular site with wonderful recipes and photographs of food she has creatively prepared. The weekend postings are updates on the life of her cats and rescued wildlife.Sherry was cherished and loved by her family and many friends. She will be greatly missed.Sherry is survived by her husband of 37 years, Bob Cermak; brother Frank Cunningham III, and several loving cousins, aunts and uncles, and her mother-in-law Margaret (Bunty) Cermak.A memorial service will be held Saturday, July 26 at 10 a.m. at Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis, 27074 Patwin Rd., with a reception to follow at the church.In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made in Sherry's name to the Wildlife Care Association. Those who wish to sign a guestbook online may do so at Wiscombe Funeral.___________________________________________________
My deepest sympathy to her husband Bob and their family of beloved animals. Just another reminder to not take this life for granted. In her memory, I plan to use and post her recipes as often as possible. I will miss her and her fabulous food porn.
Glenna, http://www.afridgefulloffood.typepad.com/ wrote a fabulous tribute to her in her July 21st post.
She would come by my place from time-to-time and I visited her, usually once a week. She loved cats and cared for abandoned baby squirrels. Just this year, she lost her beloved Upsie to diabetes.
I sit here with tears streaming down my face for the loss of a fellow blogger I've never met, but always admired. I have her blog linked up but here it is again http://www.whatdidyoueat.typepad.com/
Sherry CermakDecember 2, 1948 to July 20, 2008
Sherry was born in Pascagoula, Mississippi, grew up in Illinois, and made Davis, California her home for the past 28 years. She died of a sudden heart attack on July 20, 2008.Sherry graduated with High Honors from UC Davis in 1985, and from UCD's School of Law in 1988. After a brief career as an Attorney, Sherry found her true calling as a licensed wildlife rehabilitator and blogger. Her blog "What Did You Eat?" is a popular site with wonderful recipes and photographs of food she has creatively prepared. The weekend postings are updates on the life of her cats and rescued wildlife.Sherry was cherished and loved by her family and many friends. She will be greatly missed.Sherry is survived by her husband of 37 years, Bob Cermak; brother Frank Cunningham III, and several loving cousins, aunts and uncles, and her mother-in-law Margaret (Bunty) Cermak.A memorial service will be held Saturday, July 26 at 10 a.m. at Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis, 27074 Patwin Rd., with a reception to follow at the church.In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made in Sherry's name to the Wildlife Care Association. Those who wish to sign a guestbook online may do so at Wiscombe Funeral.___________________________________________________
My deepest sympathy to her husband Bob and their family of beloved animals. Just another reminder to not take this life for granted. In her memory, I plan to use and post her recipes as often as possible. I will miss her and her fabulous food porn.
Glenna, http://www.afridgefulloffood.typepad.com/ wrote a fabulous tribute to her in her July 21st post.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Sushi Anyone?
Dave's party at Akebono II on Freeport Blvd in Sacramento was one fun time. The sushi chefs, cooks, and servers were top notch..and the food was delicious. The fish was sublime. Thanks to all who came to help celebrate Dave's Birthday...which is actually tomorrow. Hope you enjoy the pictures. I wish I would've taken more of the food..but, I was too busy enjoying it..and the company. The menu included edamame, oysters on the half shell, spicy beef plate and spicy chicken ramen, a boat of sashimi, and a boat of sushi rolls...oh, and geso (deep fried squid).
Oh, I took the cake, orchids, chopsticks, etc. in before the party and the staff put it all together nicely. Everyone thought the cake was from Freeport Bakery...but no. It was a raspberry/lemon cake from Raley's.
And Happy Birthday Shannon...tomorrow! And Happy Birthday Bob Rolke...today!
Saturday, August 09, 2008
thatsa tomato...and other stuffola
I have roma tomatoes coming out the ying yang. I also picked a huge beefsteak today and we had tomato & mortedella sandwiches. Juicy, warm, delicious.
On another note, my grandkids and their parents will be down to visit Sept. 20-23rd. I am so excited!
I went to Tuesday Mornings and HAD to have this little picnic table with umbrella. I happened to be at Rite Aid and HAD to have the two little chairs. I also picked up an easy set up pool for the back yard. Grandpa is putting a swing in the big tree out front.
Anyone watch the Beijing opening ceremony?? Holy cow. It was awesome..incredible I say.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Friday, August 01, 2008
Corti Brothers
I stopped over there today...I used to shop at Corti's lots when I lived near there. According to all of the employees of the store that I spoke with, they are moving..not closing. They think they might have a building just down the street...and they want to stay near East Sac. Darrell was in the store today..unpacking wine and speaking to many concerned customers. The place was busy..and Dave stopped by yesterday after a meeting at SMUD and he said it was packed at lunch-time.
I got some great meat and fish....and had to take a picture of some of my favorites that didn't require refrigeration. Well, I ate the "French Bistro" sandwich. The cranberry beans are very meaty..and go well with lamb.
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