Thursday, June 03, 2010

5 Second Rule Meatloaf

All's well that ends well....sans cat hair.

If the floor had not just been cleaned with vinegar water, I would have just scraped off the top and tossed the bottom. was dinner. It was quite delicious as well.


Joanna Jenkins said...

I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm so glad I'm not the only one this happens to :-)

The five second rule always works for me!


Eileen and Karen said...

I haven't dropped meatloaf but a lot of other things and yes unless its the end of the week and the floor is covered with dog and cat hair I pick it up and clean it off and we are good to go.

Anonymous said...

My sister once dropped the FIRST Thanksgiving turkey she ever cooked (she's only cooked maybe 8 and she's in her 60's). Your meatloaf looks wonderful in spite of "floor time" and you did a remarkable cleanup job!

Unknown said...

I cleaned it up my husband wouldn't come thru and see it! I wasn't starting over!

Sarah Sullivan said...

ROFLMBSO - that is back side...oh dear...have soooo been just cracking up right now...thank you...whoot for the 5 second rule!!

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

hee heeee!!!
OK, but does the 5 seconds on the clock not start until AFTER you snapped the pic?

Unknown said...

Nanny...I snapped that pic and I got took me about 2 minutes to clean up that mess!!

Glenna said...

LOL! Yep, so glad that stuff happens to someone besides me!!!!