Thursday, November 01, 2007

Thursday Farmer's Market on Florin.

I had to go over to the Peck house today, so stopped at the farmers market over there. I got some great produce...and even a dozen pork tamales...and a huge bouquet of gorgeous flowers. The weather was perfect for it and I met a lady who told me the easiest way to freeze green beans. She cleans and then blanches them in boiling water. She takes em out when they turn bright green..won't take too long at all...then puts em in a freezer bag, then drops em into an ice bath...dries off the bag, marks it..then freezes. I can do the same with the broccoli rabe and long beans.

I got persimmons, small onions, turnips, eggplant, small red potatoes, broccoli rabe (two huge bunches for a buck), tender green beans and long beans, end of the season tomatoes and cukes, a bag of apples and asian pears..all for 3 bucks, two bunches of sweet carrots, some kale and a butternut squash, 4 huge red bell peppers for a buck... and a jar of honey.

Total for all of it? $38.00. Just one more reason I love living in this part of CA.

This makes me very happy.

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