Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Baked Beans

In our opinion...nothing goes better with a Hebrew National Hotdog than baked beans.  In honor of Paula Deen and HER English Pea recipe...here is MY  go-to crowd pleaser!

Heat pot on medium high heat..size depends on servings.  Open can of Bush Beans (the best) and pour into heated pot.  Serve when warmed through.

Thank you.  I am leaving the building.


Anonymous said...

YOU are SOOO funny...love this...and I do actually like Bush beans...Marcia

Cape Coop said...

Wait, first I heat the pot, THEN I open the can of beans, THEN I pour them into the HEATED pot? So, I shouldn't open the can before I heat the pot? Darn, I messed up!
So complicated!If I use a cold pot will the beans burn? Do the beans become kosher if you eat them with Hebrew National hot dogs? What kind of serving dish is best? How many hours before the beans are heated thoroughly? SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS!

Glenna said...

LOL! We love them too!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Hi Mel, Welcome back!!!! I read your last post and caught up-- glad to hear you haven't lost your sense of humor and are about to celebrate your 8th anniversary.

As for the bean recipe! I salute you. That's my way of cooking!!!

xo jj