So my menu begins tomorrow..not my recipes, but recipes from people I my Gramma Rosenberg Tolliver. Food I grew up eating...comfort food. Also recipes from around the globe. Yum. Just Yum.
September 25, 26 & 27 Melody Elliott Koontz's Compilation of Jewish Food from Africa, Europe and North America Visit Melody's popular food blog; "Cooking Schmooking". You'll find it to be brilliant! She has researched Jewish food the world round and put together this menu with her own recipes as well as those from her grandmother, Lydia Rosenberg Tolliver, Marlena Spieler and Michael Twitty. Black-eyed Pea Hummus and Chopped Liver, Rye Crostini or Fragrant Beetroot Soup with Spicy Lamb Kubbeh Holishkes, Boiled White Potatoes, Parsley or Turkey Schnitzel, Sweet Potato Latkes, Bahaart Spices Poppy Seed Cake, Ice Cream or Toubkal Delight